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After the wedding ceremony and reception, many newlyweds need to buy a home. When couples butt heads over where to settle down, how do they meet in the middle? Our etiquette experts are here to answer your married life questions in our daily post.
What do we do if we want to buy a home in different towns?
Without more information—like whether you each have jobs or family in different towns—it's tough to answer that question. But if it's simply that each of you likes different towns, may we suggest a good old-fashioned pros-and-cons list? Do some research: Which one is safer? Which is closer to your jobs? What are municipal taxes like? What's the resale value of homes in each? And if you're planning on having kids, which one has better schools? Add to the list the reasons you're in love with your chosen towns (that fabulous farmer's market! the restaurant and bar scene!), then talk it out. If you still can't come to an agreement, start looking for houses in both and agree to commit to the house—rather than the town—you love most.
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